The Yojo Acupuncture System
Conditions Treated
Traditional asian medicine treats all transitions in life. The Yojo Acupuncture System is to regulate three key areas: stress, digestion, and blood circulation. The simple system activates a self-healing power within. The common conditions treated at Boulder Japanese Acupuncture Clinic are listed.
Mental / Emotional
- Stress
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Fatigue / Low energy
- ADHD Concentration Support
In this treatment, the Teishin tool on my head was most powerful. It is what I credit with removing the stress, releasing the emotions, supporting my nervous system, and left me feeling capable, able and willing to handle the load.
CairoleBoulder, Colorado Digestive Issues
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Bloating
- Gas
- Inflammation
When I had tremendous pressure in my stomach due to digestion issues, acupuncture gave me immediate relief. I thought for sure I was going to be miserable for at least a day but the pressure was immediately reduced and tapered off to complete recovery quickly
DianeBoulder, Colorado Pain
- Back pain
- Knee pain
- Headache
- Neck pain / Whiplash
- Shoulder Pain
- Joint pain / Arthritis / Rheumatism
- Post-surgical Pain
- Shingles
I have been coping with chronic low back pain that started about a decade ago. This has followed with other ailments impacted by a busy life style, emotional and constant mental, physical stress. Ai's treatments are helping me at all levels. Her approach is not of a particular practitioner but a healer and teacher. I feel equiped to give continuity to her treatments through self maintenance between sessions. On difficult painful days, I ma reminded that healing is possible thanks to her. Mil gracias!"
IngridLousville, Colorado Sports Medicine / Athlete Support
- Injury Recovery
- Sore muscles
- Fatigue
The acupuncture treatment helped my knee when I went to workout with Matt I had more mobility. I also noticed I recovered from soreness faster. I had a lot of energy and really blew my workout up. The herbal pain relief patch helped my hamstring too.
AllendeBoulder, Colorado Respiratory
- Allergies
- Asthma
- Bronchitis
- Cold / Flu
- Ear/Nose/Throat
- Sinusitis
I used to take my maintenance inhaler 4 times per day and still had periodic issues. After taking herbs and doing acupuncture & cupping treatments regularly, I no longer need a daily maintenance inhaler and only need a rescue inhaler on rare occasions. I'm so happy I found a natural remedy so I don't have to rely on pharmaceutical medicine
JacobLafayette, Colorado Urinary Issues
- UTIs
- Incontinence
- Interstitial Cystitis / Bladder issues
- Swollen Prostate
I got UTIs. It was very uncomfortable to urinate. The mixture of herbal tea pills that I got from Boulder Japanese Acupuncture worked great.
OliviaLafayette, Colorado Women's Health
- Menopause / Hot flush
- Menstrual issues
- Vaginal Issues
- Aging
I couldn't sleep at night due to menopause. Taking herbal tea pills took care of the heated sensation and I could sleep so much better.
BrendaBoulder, Colorado Men's Health
- Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
- Prostatitis
- Urinary Issues
Herbal medicine made my urination issues so much better.
DBoulder, Colorado Side effects from Cancer Treatments
- Nausea
- Insomnia
- Night sweat
- Fatigue
Our goal is to support cancer patients with side effects of the cancer treatments. The common side effects include fatigue, nausea, night sweat, insomnia, and neuropathy.
The service for cancer patients includes four different areas: acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal medicine, and dietary advice.
Japanese acupuncture is used to balance the entire body and remove side effects of the treatment.
National Cancer Institute summarizes the benefits of getting acupuncture during the cancer treatment.
Moxibustion is used on a few acupuncture points on patient’s back to support the immune system while going through the cancer treatments.
Herbal medicine can benefit the patients. There is a good study showing the effectiveness of herbal medicine for cancer patients. The herbal medicines used in this study are commonly used in our medicine and Boulder Japanese acupuncture clinic carries those herbs as well. Lastly, dietary advice is discussed with each patient.
The service for cancer patients includes four different areas: acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal medicine, and dietary advice.
Japanese acupuncture is used to balance the entire body and remove side effects of the treatment.
National Cancer Institute summarizes the benefits of getting acupuncture during the cancer treatment.
Moxibustion is used on a few acupuncture points on patient’s back to support the immune system while going through the cancer treatments.
Herbal medicine can benefit the patients. There is a good study showing the effectiveness of herbal medicine for cancer patients. The herbal medicines used in this study are commonly used in our medicine and Boulder Japanese acupuncture clinic carries those herbs as well. Lastly, dietary advice is discussed with each patient.